Comicgenesis ComicsNINJAS AND ROBOTSComicgenesis Comics 
Serious Business
by the Focke Family


Updates Sundays!

A Bout





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This was early on in our courtship... and my father really did say that, though he professes not to remember it.

Good grief, the archives are in worse shape than I thought. For some reason, none of the links on the link bar work. I have no idea why, so I'll have to fool around with the until they do. Oh, dear. I've started organizing the archives, but you probably won't the end results for another few weeks.

vote TWC! We made it into the 200s in ranking last month, with your help we could make it into the 100s! Vote for Serious Business every day and give us a chance to get some more exposure for free! this week's incentive: What the first two panels should have said... and to be certain you get the joke, pop over to Dominic Deegan, Oracle for Hire !

Oh, and Happy Fourth of July! - Sonia

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This was early on in our courtship... and my father really did say that, though he professes not to remember it.

Good grief, the archives are in worse shape than I thought. For some reason, none of the links on the link bar work. I have no idea why, so I'll have to fool around with the until they do. Oh, dear. I've started organizing the archives, but you probably won't the end results for another few weeks.

vote TWC! We made it into the 200s in ranking last month, with your help we could make it into the 100s! Vote for Serious Business every day and give us a chance to get some more exposure for free! this week's incentive: What the first two panels should have said... and to be certain you get the joke, pop over to Dominic Deegan, Oracle for Hire !

Oh, and Happy Fourth of July! - Sonia

Praise, suggestions and fudge brownies can be sent to: Fam.Focke(a) (Please replace the (a) with the usual "at" sign... oh, you know the drill.)
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