by the Focke Family |
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Updates Sundays! |
Poor Arne...
And... ComicGenesis's siteadmin still isn't up. but they've cobbled together a lovely feature called QuickAdmin so I can manually update the site. This means a new and improved site in a day rather than the weeks it would have taken me otherwise! I've ironed all but one or two kinks out of it, still curious that the tables on the side pages aren't centered, and I want to streamline the top of the site, it still takes up a bit too much space. A really prolific week! (see ToDo list below.)
TWC incentive: has nothing to do with this week's comic. Vote and be surprised!
Speaking of TWC, they have a clever contest going on right now:
Have you ever wanted to be a radio supervillain? Or rather, did you have an idea for a villain you'd love to actually hear on a radiostyle podcast? Submit your idea for a radio supervillain and read about where you can get hundreds of hours of free audio drama done by the impression cast of Decoder Ring Theatre , over at topwebcomics.com.
To Do:
make an icon for "home" so you can get back to the main page from the secondary ones!
pretty up the other icons so they have a clear background, the white looks horrible. Made entirely new ones instead!
- put up a "Donation" button on the off chance that one of our three readers is horribly rich and feels like sharing.
Arne? code? please? got the code, need to embed it
- try and figure out if we want a shoutbox or not, since there's no way we're getting a forum (moderating a forum = time = energy = mass going at the speed of light squared, which is how we feel at any given time already.) The little toy at the bottom of the screen should help us make that decision. Feel free to make use of the e-address below to express approval or dissent.
- learn (more) html and css learning! lookee pretty css template! Need to figure out one or two kinks, though.
make a css template for: 1. main page 2. side pages Done! Lookee! Isn't it pretty?
- And how about organising the archives? How? With a calendar thingy?
- better my inking skills bought French curves (to help with word ballons) and circle templates. Need oval ones, though.
- move working on it. two appointments to look at apartments this weekend!
Cheerio! - Sonia
Praise, suggestions and fudge brownies can be sent to: Fam.Focke(a)gmx.de (Please replace the (a) with the usual "at" sign... oh, you know the drill.)
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